The flag of Autistan presented by Josef Schovanec on Swiss television – Preamble to the Swiss Constitution

1. TV show

Le drapeau de l'Autistan a été montré à la télévision pour la première fois le 25 July 2017 couple Josef Schovanec, at the RTS (Radio Television Switzerland).

This show, in French, concerns only him and lasts 43 minutes.
Ils mentionnent rapidement le drapeau et l'Autistan après 5'56 " :
The flag is visible in the background image :
- de 5'18'' à 6'54 environ (passage téléchargeable ici),
- et de 32'13'' à 37'56'' environ (passage downloadable here), and maybe elsewhere.

The flag of Autistan was shown on television for the first time the 25 July 2017 par Josef Schovanec, to the RTS (Radio Television Switzerland).

Josef is a “autistic savant”, he has been a guest on numerous radio and television shows in different countries (and especially in France).

This show, in French, concerns only him and lasts 43 minutes.
They quickly mention the flag and Autistan afterwards 5’56” :

The flag is visible in the background image :
of 5’18” at 6’54” environ (extract visible and downloadable here),
– et of 32’13” at 37’56” environ (extract visible and downloadable here).

In 2014, Josef created the name “Autistan” and the idea of ​​a “country of autistics”, almost like a joke, and later it appeared that this is useful in helping to understand the mental world of autistic people.
He wrote books about his travels and meetings with other autistic people, to refer at “l’Autistan“.

Josef has no function or responsibility in our organization, but he is obviously a natural friend of Autistan, he likes what we do, and he has been our godfather since October 2016.

To learn more about the relationship (totally free) entre Josef Schovanec, l’Autistan, and our organization, see : Origin of the name “Autistan”.

2. Preamble to the Constitution of the Swiss Confederation

Towards 5’37” in the show, the journalist and Josef cite an essential passage from the preamble of the Swiss Constitution, which he often talks about in his conferences :

“The strength of community
is measured by well-being
of the weakest of its members.”

This is particularly “interesting” for autistic people and minorities or vulnerable or disadvantaged people, just like other passages of this preamble (that we color in bleu below) :

Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation
of 18 avril 1999 (State the 13 FEBRUARY 2022)


In the name of Almighty God !

The people and the Swiss cantons,

aware of their responsibility towards Creation,

determined to renew their alliance
to strengthen the freedom, democracy, independence and peace in a spirit of solidarity and D'opening in the world,

determined to live ensemble their diversities
in the respect for others and theequity,

aware of common achievements and their duty to assume their responsibilities towards future generations,

knowing that only one is free who uses his freedom and the strength of the community is measured by the well-being of its weakest members,

stop the Constitution1 that is here: (…)

Noticed : Like other countries, Switzerland officially recognizes the existence of “Dieu”, and it is likely that this will have consequences.

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